DTI (Col)Lab-R-tories | Stage 2
Innovation, Research & Development | IR&D
Experiential Co-Learning!
Turning Your Work into a Co-Learning Lab!
Problem Statement,
Design Thinking
& Conceptualization
Innovation, Research
& Development
Solution Launch,
Scale-up, M&E &
*M&E: Monitoring & Evaluation; ^CQI: Continuous Quality Improvement
Each successive (Col)Lab-R-tory stage advances development of solutions for Real World challenges that community, organizations/institutions, & industry partners need to address. Participants undertake Digital Technological Innovation (DTI) and Social Entrepreneurship following the 3-Stage DTI (Col)Lab-R-tory Model for Experiential Collaborative Inter-institutional Interdisciplinary Service-/Project-Based (e)Learning (Experiential CIISLEARNing).
Innovation, Research & Development | IR&D | (Col)Lab-R-tory Modules
Curious? Learn-by-Doing.. Innovate!
In Stage 2, the Course-Based (Col)Lab-R-tory Modules below offer scholars &/or teams (groups) an opportunity to engage with Real World Practitioners, Innovators & Innovation/Practice-Faculty in Experiential CISLEARNing (blended or online hands-on/learning-by-doing immersion) focusing on Innovation & Development(I&D) of cutting-edge solutions to Real World Grand Challenges. Scholars & participants’ culminating milestones include: a) peer-review of protocols/prototypes, development &/or testing/piloting, and analyses/evaluation of DTIs through preceptored/guided presentation in online seminars, virtual conferences and e-journal publications; and b) recognition awards for points earned on participants’ leaderboard for successful module completion including selection for advancement to the next level in the (Col)Lab-R-tory.
Protocols &/or Prototypes Module
Participants in this module develop Protocols &/or Prototypes of innovations and solutions for identified Real World Grand Challenges.
Development, Testing & Piloting Module
Participants in this module implement protocol/prototype to Develop, Test &/or Pilot (incl. relevant data collection) of innovations and solutions for identified Real World Grand Challenges.
Outcome Assessment Module
Participants in this module undertake Outcome Assessments incl. data analyses to assess ability of innovations/solutions to address identified Real World Grand Challenges.